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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by munnzach

  1. Blacksmithing sounds very interesting to me. I wanted to take the courses last year but didn't like the program - too much theory and less practice. Unfortunately, I haven't found another courses in my region, so I'm gonna wait for another opportunity. But still, it sounds cool though I don't think you can make a lot of money from the start.

    And I agree with the PP that joining the military services give you a lot of advantages these days, especially in navy services. However, I know plenty of ex-military guys who are involved in finance/business right now.  Well, you can even check out link removed to get more info about that. It seems that people of any profession want to be the part of business someday in the US.

  2. To be honest, I prefer the blues. I remember the first time my father took me to a bar where some blues band from a neighboring state was playing. This performance made me fall in love with the blues. Now my heart belongs to this style forever.

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