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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by JohnnyHick

  1. A quick update now I've spend some time forging on it:

    The face is definitely on the softer side, can be dented by misshits but its not as bas as cast iron. The sparks I saw when polishing the edges a little doesn't really look like any steel I know either.

    Also this might sound strange but the face has a strange smell to it. (Yes i sniff anvils) it looks clean and I would think any kind of oil that might have been on it should have burned off by now.

    Other than that it forges fine.






  2. I bought it. I put it on a scale at home and it only weighs 77 kg, I expected that because the seller guessed.

    It has a wrought iron body and steel face, the rebound is decent and the ring isn't too deafening. The welds still seem solid too.

    There are marks on it but sadly they have worn away and I can only make out a few letters.

    It came from a farm in Wallonia, if it was manufactured in Belgium that might explain why it has both a church window and side hardy hole.

    The only negative I have about it is that the hardy hole is rather small and goes down at an angle. For the rest I'm happy with it, cant wait to get it set up and do some forging on it.




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