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I Forge Iron

Honing Blacksmith

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Posts posted by Honing Blacksmith

  1. Thanks Roger. yes, in North Norfolk in the UK. Actually - the internet is an extraordinary thing and shortly after asking you the question, I discovered two counterweights on sale and listed as “Weights for Victorian Bellows”. They reckoning the weight is 53lbs (24kg) for transport, so if that’s each then quite a lot heavier that yours, but I suspect it is for both. Anyway - I bought them, so we’ll see when they arrive. The leather is in good nick, having been replaced before I bought the forge.

    Thanks for letting me know.

  2. Hi Roger,

    I was intrigued to see the bellows you’ve restored. I inherited exactly the same model with the Forge I bought two years ago and want to get it set up. I note that you have two weights on the hooks either side - I found a conical weight in the forge and wondered what it was for - probably for the bellows.... but where the second one is I have no idea. Could you let me know how much the weights way?



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