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Posts posted by bruno_crosbie15

  1. It is Dc as in the knife maker D Comeau. It is the first website link that comes up for me anyway. Thank you for trying I really appreciate it. Could I send a link as the owner of the website is not really commercially profiting from it. Perhaps try copy and pasting this “BG-272 DIY 2 x 72" Belt Grinder”?



  2. Currently I am building a DC knives belt grinder and I was wondering if anyone could help me find a spring that fits the requirements. It has to have an uncompressed height of 2 inches and maybe depress > 1 inch with 15kg 30lb.  On the website it mentions that a screen door chain spring can work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Location is North Wales.

    Many thanks,

    Bruno Crosbie


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