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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by BurnsideStudio

  1. Hi guys, thank you all for your replies! You've given my thoughts some direction, especially on the quality of equipment. I'm leaning towards making the investment in a Swan though it might be on hold until our Covid restrictions are eased at least. Something to work towards.

    Frosty - thanks for your pointers and friendly words, made me smile. I'll be sure to feedback my thoughts in the forum when the day comes!

    Irondragon - I'll have another trawl through the site, see if I can find anything, I'd be very interested in this guy's chat! If the memory pops up please fire it my way.

    Hope you're all keeping warm and busy.

  2. Hi all,

    I've been looking back through this forum to read other folks advice on UK-based gas forges available to buy, but seen nothing about Mayes Forges. I remember using one at the college I studied at a few years ago (mostly used a coke forge mind, but I think I'll struggle to install a hood in my garage).

    Now I'm in a position to buy some equipment I was curious whether these are still available to buy? Most I can find is some posts from the Concave Horseshoe Company but these are dated 2014.

    Hoping the hive mind can help me out here! I understand Swans seem to be the gold standard in the UK, but they're pretty beasty on the budget. 

    A part of me also wonders whether a Swan would be a bit lux since I'm only just establishing myself as a maker? You learn more by doing and making from scratch, but the thought of paying out for materials and time of making something that would function at a sub-standard level, even if the learning opportunities are greater, is making me swivel. 

    I'm curious to hear anyone else's musings on my ramblings. Something to settle my mind here!

    Thanks all, Beth.

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