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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by NewBlacksmith

  1. I am brand new to blacksmith/forging.  I came to this site during my research for how smelting works.  Not that I plan on it, but was more interested in HOW it worked.  Seems most of the 'experienced' responders are not very nice.  The person asked a fairly straightforward set of questions.  Many people responded with cynicism and replied with discouraging answers.  - For the most part, experienced BlackSmiths have been very patient and kind when I ask silly questions, and have never been discouraging.  I just presumed it would carry over to smelting/foundries..  Guess I was wrong.

    I work in support.  I hope that if you ever call in and need help, you are not treated the same way for your ignorance and asking questions.

    Best of luck to you KFatha.... 


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