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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by FruzzinForge

  1. Can you get me a link?

    Apparently I am not good at forums (I made this tread in wrong section).

    This is what I came up with... A grove for the bolster.

    On 2/17/2024 at 5:40 PM, Irondragon Forge ClayWorks said:

    Might take a look at it in the thread a couple below yours.



  2. Hi All,

    I'm 4 yrs. in as a knifesmith. I have taken a liking to the Brut de Forge style, but I am having trouble using a vertical jig (I'll have to make a wider tool rest). I'm thinking of making a file jig.

    Question... Any ideas on how I can hold the knife flat, so so I can make an even bevel? I was thinking of a notch of some sort.

    Has anyone tried to make a jig for this style of knife?

    Thank you ahead for any ideas or pictures.


  3. Hi All,

    I finished making an anvil stand that I tried my best to duplicate from a Jason Knight video on YouTube, but he didn't show if he added a hold down. Below is the finished stand.

    I haven't used it yet, but I did beat it with a 2x4 a few times to see if it would tilt/move the anvil... Nada. I can lean on one end and it will lift a little... that makes me uneasy.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  4. On 7/8/2012 at 7:24 PM, WayneCoeArtistBlacksmith said:

    Definately coat either hard or soft brick with Plistix. You will be amazed at the difference. I suggest that you build the forge and use it, timing the length of time to get to forging temp. Then paint it with Plixtix or Metrikote and time it again. I suspect that you will see that with the Plistix it will take about half the time. Now, what does that mean? You will work twice as fast, use half as much gas,,,,,and work twice as hard.

    Hi Wayne,

    I'm new to forging. me and a buddy built one with "Insulating FireBrick 9" X 4.5" X 2.5" in (6 Pieces)" from Amazon in 2020. Never thought to coat it, because it is just brick (as far as I know).

    Move to now... I got a Diamondback forge for my Birthday and started researching the brick they use. I wrote them and they said that I don't need anything.

    Hard to believe because the Safety Data Sheet on them says differently.

    So now I am in pursuit of finding the best sealer and came across Plistix 900f (which is hard to find. At least on my end).

    So the question is... should they be coated or not? Should I believe the Sheet or the seller? Hmmm.

    Any info greatly appreciated.

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