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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TimberGhost

  1. Good evening everyone, I am brand new too any trade/craft that involves hot or cold metal. Not even really sure what sparked my interest but after watching endless videos and reading several articles on sites I have come to the conclusion that many people gain a sense of satisfaction when getting into forging whether it be as a career or as a hobby. I am certain there is and/or will be frustration as well but who isn’t up for a good challenge.

    My family and I recently purchased a home on a small piece of property and It has a shop which I have been wanting for many years. I am very excited to get some equipment, set up a safe workspace and get to learning how to forge metal. I don’t really have a direction at this time, honestly I am just looking forward to heating up that first piece of metal and witnessing what happens when I beat it with a hammer. I love to hunt so I guess one goal would be to make myself a knife that I would eventually use in the field one day.


    I have a 10 year old daughter and a 7 year old son and to no fault but my own I am competing with media and video games. I hope they will see the excitement I hope to have and maybe they will want to come down and hang out in the shop to see “what the heck Dad is making now” and maybe they will stay a while or actually learn something.

    I am typically one that sits quietly on these types of forums but I hope to learn from all of you and maybe at some point help someone myself.



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