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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by RoadmasterK

  1. Thanks guys. Really not sure on the type of motor or dimmer, but you are probably right on it being better to dump air than to cut motor speed. The first time I used it I had the pipe blocked on the pressure side and was regulating it further with the ash dump. Having that dust storm under the forge isn't ideal either:)

    This will just inspire me to get at those bellows sooner than later!  But for now I am really enjoying making tools. A cutoff hardie, a square drift, and one pair of tongs so far... Not gonna show you the tongs..haha



  2. I am new to blacksmithing and to the forum. Just completed this forge before Christmas, and my main challenge so far has been air supply. I started off with a borrowed Bufco hand crank blower, but it is very worn out so I was hesitant to use it much. 

    My plan is to make a bellows eventually, and/or buy a good hand crank blower. I really like the physical aspect and the contolability of supplying air by hand. Until that happens, however, we gotta make fire so this is my current set-up. 

    This is the exhaust fan from a natural gas furnace.  It has way too much power, so I have the intake almost completely taped off. I also put it on a dimmer switch. Not sure if that is a great idea, but motor is staying cool so we will see how it goes. It can still go from too cool to blowing the coke out of the firepot with a tiny adjustment on the dimmer switch lol. Certainly not ideal.

    Happy forging everyone, and thanks so much for all the great information posted here.




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