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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by jringling

  1. Some of the posts here mention bells or horns that are used for other purposes, such as calling the dog. The important thing about an emergency signal is that it is only used for emergencies. I am liking the idea of an air horn. Even if the neighbor is used to hearing the racket of the shop, they will probably notice a 5 minute blast from a horn and would hopefully investigate. If I ever move the shop out of the attached garage, I will install an air tank and pull cord horn, or at least get one of the little canned horns. A 12v car horn on a battery would work. I guess you could even hook-up a car alarm and keep the remote handy.


  2. On May 3rd I will be working with a local Boyscout Troop to make copper leaves to send in for the Tree Project. I have made several and they have already made to Austrailia. I hear the scouts are excited to participate and I am really looking forward to teach them the little I know of smithing. Maybe a few of them will enjoy the expirence enough to persue balcksmithing as they grow older... I plan on taking pictures during the day and I'll post a link to my Flickr account after I put them up.

  3. Hello everyone.
    I have always had an interest in blacksmithing and have tinkered here and there. I recently made afew leaves for the ABA's Tree Project out of copper since I could work the copper cold. This project made me want try my hand with hot work, so I have decided to build a small forge. I recently bought a nice anvil (Mouse Hole I think) and have picked up a nice big steel brake drum to start with. I know I'll have alot of questions as I work on the forge and start to work with iron, so I thought I would join the forum here so I could gain some knowledge from the experts! I look forward to asking all of the newbie questions that I am sure you all are tired of hearing!


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