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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by oldguy

  1. I am retired, and my wife and I live in southern Virginia. I have had an interest for several years in making knives and hawks. I do not have a forge of my own, but sometimes mommy lets me go play in the fire over at Ron's house, where he makes decorative iron things.
    We have decided to make a couple of tomahawks, and maybe a bowie or two. I have a couple of old paper cutter blades. I don't know what steel they are made of, but it's gotta be tough and abrasion resistant. It should make good edges or blades for hard working tools.
    I'll probably be doing a lot more reading than contributing, at least for a while. I just like to make things, like carving pipes, bowls, etc. from wood, but now I'm getting into heavy metal and it looks like fun.


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