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I Forge Iron

Colton McCormick

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Posts posted by Colton McCormick

  1. Hi, My name is Colton and I am new to the site. Thank you so much for any advice or help that is given. 

    So! I am currently on my second forge build. I have been forging with a little rinky dink burner hard brick forge and decided its time to move up. This is the first time I have made a forge with ceramic wool. I did a lot of research and went slowly to get everything right. I thought I had a finished build but apparently from the pictures that's wrong.

    Here are my specs. Roughly 2 inches of inswool from the hardware store,a decent coat of Kastolite 30, stainless shell, and a ribbon burner modeled after Wayne's site. After a couple test firings and letting it cure for a week, I ran her hard today and I easily hit bright yellow temps on my steel in minutes. I'm forging having a good time and everything is going great till I bump the forge and this giant hole of what used to be inswool that has been melted appears. oooooooof.

    So, I'm in a pretty good chunk of change on wool and kastolite right now. So my questions are, What went wrong? and can I salvage my kastolite shell and re wrap it with wool? Or do I need to rip it all out and start from scratch?  Thank you all so much and sorry if I put this in the wrong section.



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