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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by hghfhgghg

  1. I am using a propane tank for my first forge. Ive been trying to come to a good understanding of where to point the flame. My thinking behind my design is the angle and positioning of the burner will make a vortex (Nice turbulence) and avoid using the burner as a chimney when i shut the forge down. from what i understand this could have a negative impact on the longevity of the insulation and potentially drastically reduce the actual material heating efficiency.

    Here is my first draft.


    I'm going with the standard 2 layers of 1" 2600f inswool and roughly half an inch of refractory.

    So basically i am asking if its more desirable to point the flame at the workpiece or in a manner that encourages a nicer vortex.

    Also here is my Burner which works pretty great, I might add a blower to it if i can scavenge the right parts.Burner.thumb.jpg.7af7e9de1e1bc92324b7b6429f188e76.jpg

    Feel free to talk xxxx about my design/thinking, you don't grow if you aren't willing to hear feedback.


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