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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Timski

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Apparently everything is in Wauseon. That is also where I purchased my Anvil from a Bladesmith down there: Delaney Knives.

    The company I work for also does business with Wauseon Machine, so I have a few Engineering friends that travel that way often.

    I'll look them up just to have a back-up plan. 

  2. Thanks for all the feedback.


    I looked into the MABA which is in Michigan. Planning to become a member the soonest. That said, all of this years events have been cancelled for now. 

    To clarify, the gloves I purchased are the KVA65285 Hot Mill gloves from Carolina Glove company. The reason I picked those specifically is from a recommendation on Black Bear Forge YouTube channel.

    Goods and George, 

    The points you made were exactly what he mentioned in his video. It was nice to hear a reaffirming lesson. 

    Thanks again. I’ll be lurking through many more posts and eventually, if necessary, starting some of my own threads.

    Thanks again!

  3. Howdy,

    I've come down a long rabbit hole starting with watching YouTube videos of people restoring old tools which led me down a path of buying a few old tools and equipment (vice, drill press, saw, arbor press, etc.) to enhance my shop. Soon after I started looking more into making my own tools to fix the other tools which led me to blacksmithing. That then started me on a journey of knowledge which led me here.

    I'm just dipping my toes in. I've purchased most of what I feel will get me started:

    • Anvil (142lb Hay Budden Farrier)
    • Coal forge with hand crank (FREE! just because I brought up blacksmithing in every conversation for months)
    •  Wolf Jaw tongs
    • Kevlar gloves
    • Wire block brush
    • 2 lb Cross-pein Hammer (had this already)
    • bees wax
    • C-Clamp vise grips
    • Books (Backyard Blacksmith 'Lorelei Sims' and The Home blacksmith 'Ryan Ridgway')

    Coming from a history of being an automotive mechanic, I have many more tools already on hand as well.

    The "only" thing I'm missing is the coal for the forge. (The Streat Fuel Co. in Flint, MI is currently out due to mines being closed down)

    Now that that is out the way, I'm planning to soak up as much information as I can, and when the world goes back to normal (post-covid), I'm hoping to seek out a mentor(s) as well.

    I will say thanks and I appreciate you ahead of time for all of the guidance and knowledge you are all able to share.



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