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I Forge Iron

Jay Tomos

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Posts posted by Jay Tomos

  1. Hey Jack, that post sums up my view on starting out in the wonderful world of moving hot Metal into a thought out shape so you can stand back and say, "I did that". I too am new to this forum and the world of smithing/metalwork but I have had the passion for a long time to try my hand at it. I am a self employed carpenter by trade and I have many a times thought should I have chosen to be a blacksmith at college, but I cant remember that being a given option. I totally agree with you, people starting out shouldn't be put off by others that have fully decked out workshops with hydraulic presses and big blue's moving serious amounts of steel. I don't think anyone could say they went to bed one night thinking they would try a bit of smiting and woke up to a fully kitted out workshop. My point being everyone started somewhere and how ever you develop your skills should be at your own pace and of course budget. I admit I had been put off for many years taking up the hobby thinking I needed to have big expensive equipment after watching many of folk on YouTube! But it's not really the case to start off I think it's just the case of using what your comfortable using learning at your own pace and setting yourself realistic goals. So in a nutshell your post was a delight to read Jack and I hope it will encourage more people to take the plunge and not be put off by not having expensive equipment. 

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