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Posts posted by Antman

  1. 14 hours ago, Frosty said:

    Welcome aboard Anton, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might discover members live within visiting distance. Who knows one might have a 2x72 belt grinder you can try out or copy. 

    Yes, there are plans though I don't know if they're carried on Iforge. Have you done a web search yourself or just asking us instead? I did a quick search and got 10 hits on the first page, one is titled "2x72 belt grinder plans". 

    We encourage people to do their own basic research, so when the answer is so easy to find we are REALLY unlikely to do it for you. That kind of thing tends to tick off the curmudgeons.

    Frosty The Lucky.


    Hi Frosty, I will figure out how to add my locality and add it. I have had a look at the plans available on the web, but this little machine ticks all the boxes that I need ticked. Thought if there was plans for it, it would save me some re-working, but I will get going on that rather than ask a question on this forum again...By the way, what is this forum for, if not for asking questions?

    10 hours ago, JHCC said:

    Stitch hasn't been on IFI since the end of 2018; health issues required him to give up smithing, and he sold all his gear. You might try reaching out to him at his website (see his profile page) to see if you can get a copy of his plans.

    Hi JHCC,


    Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate you helping by pointing me in the right direction, I will see if I can contact him. A newby on the site like me, does not always know where to look for the answers we need, and it is really appreciated when someone steers you with wisdom, knowledge and kindness. Thank you.

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