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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Sanpan

  1. Where in the build would insulating k26 rated fire brick fall?

    Following that simply because I'm a beginner, minus the fact that I am a vacuum furnace operator for a heat treatment facility.  

    Does the kiln wash go on top of the refractory? 

    If so, isn't that like 3 identical components on top of each other which considering their application of being refractories aren't they negated by the outer layer?

    What I mean is you say the rigidizer to firm up the ceramic wool but rigidizer from my understanding is usually of silica and or kaolin clay as a base and most are in addition ones that contain high alumina and zirconium. So then what would be the purpose of adding another hard refractory layer on top of that that is as well high alumina and zirconium which If I understand that reflective refractive. But then you finish with the kiln wash for another layer of the same things.


    There are a few , here's o be I saw.    Commercial link removed per TOS  That are pastes or like I assume you mean by the kiln wash..  why wouldn't a thick layer over the top of the ceramic insulation be sufficient for the forge. 

    And do you ever combine ifb firebricks with the refractory and kiln wash section mentioned?


    I just wanted to say after wasting hours and hours on YouTube watching pure ignorance on building burners that I only.got one to work after reading your book at the very least I wanted to say thank you because every moron spouting out terms like hotter and insisting on a reducing coupling to increase the pressure who then proceeded to define the reason that works never understood how he didn't catch the fact that what goes on is what comes out. I wanted to strangle so many people



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