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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by mjollnir

  1. Mike,
    I have had success in the past by using vinegar. I know this sounds like an old wives tale but I heard about this in an excerpt from an interview with Ben Lilly.
    All you have to do is soak the handle in plain white vinegar from the grocery store for about a week.
    Once the inside of the horn is spongey run a screwdriver down in there a few times to losen the material a little more but not too much.
    Then place the knife tip on a solid piece of wood and push.
    Once you reach the desired depth stop and put a clamp of some kind so it cant back out.
    In a weeks time the marrow in the handle will be just as hard as when you started the project.
    I was skeptical too the first time I tried it but it works like a charm.
    Great looking knife in the works man,
    good luck.

  2. I have been a lurker on this site for a couple of months as I am new to forging I never had anything to say. A friend of mine found an old abused bridge anvil on a ranch he worked on. I wanted to ask the experts two questions

    1) Can this anvil be fixed?
    2) What will it take?

    I will give you a list of what I have at my immediate disposal or can get from friends or the father in law that I think could help me fix this thing.
    Three large coal forges, a 2003 model Licoln Ranger welder, several grinders, sanders, cutting torch and any kind of welding rods I might need. A fairly reasonable selection of thick plates of steel for shoring it up.

    I hope the list helps because I just make knives and small axes so this anvil, if working properly will be all I will need for a while until I get better.

    At the risk of sounding like a total newbie, thanks in advance and I have really enjoyed reading this site.






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