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I Forge Iron

David F

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Posts posted by David F

  1. Hello Latticino,Thomas,Iron Dragon forge and Frosty 

    Thank you all for your kind welcome and great advice . Yes I am using white out in the cans and I have just learnt through Frosty about oxygen scavenger,s and will definitely be making a V block set up for my next attempt.  Again thank you so much to you all for your extremely helpful advice I have learnt a lot from you all

    Kindest regards

    ps Australia Frosty near Melbourne is where I live I will fix my header up now

  2. Hi latticino 

    thank you so much for your response it is truly appreciated. Yes the cans are filled to the brim I take them out strike one side do a single rotation on to the next side strike and so on hitting all four sides . I tried to draw out the pieces that seemed solid but they two began to fracture and crack . It is a bit difficult with the coke as you can’t see exactly what is going on one minute your ok the next you’ve gone to far . I plan on building a gas forge in the next month so I might wait till then to try again when I can actually see the can and what is happening to it .again thank you for your help 

    kindest regards


  3. Hi can anyone help me with my canister making please. I’ve made a billet of 1085 powdered steel and this time I’ve just used fish hooks I’ve used ball bearing 5mm in the past but have had similar issues . I’ve used a coke forge and got the can up to temp then hand set it turning it onto each edge and hammering it down to what felt very solid . When I’ve opened it up about an inch and a half at either end is perfect but I get this in the middle every time can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong 

    thank you all in advance 


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