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I Forge Iron

KS Guy

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Posts posted by KS Guy

  1. That's a cool find!  I've never poured babbit, but if you go on Youtube and go to Keith Fenner's channel, he has a few videos showing how he does it.  David Richards also has a video on how babbit bearings were poured circa 1925.  He has a fully functional steam powered line shaft machine shop.  

  2. 1 minute ago, Ted Ewert said:

    I thought about it, maybe if a few people are interested I will. I just get tired of the negative comments here when I don't build things the conventional way. 

    That's understandable.  I'm unconventional in most things I do, so I get what you mean.  At the end of the day, the proof is in the pudding, and you proved your way worked with this build.  There's multiple ways to do things, and some (people in general) seem to forget that.  Well I for one, would love to see what you come up with.  

  3. That makes sense.  I was thinking of my old Chevy pickup, which has 2 tanks, one on each side, but the valve splitting them went bad.  So we just put in a brass T instead of replacing the 150 dollar valve, and since the fuel pump is on the right side of the motor, it pulls from the right tank 3 times as fast as the left.  Of course that works off of suction, but I wondered if a similar thing would happen here.  

  4. No it's not the norm, but alot of people run without them because they think they get in the way.  At least that's what numerous people have told me, when I ask why they took them off.  I used to not use them, when I was a young fella, but I had a few discs explode and decided I like my fingers too much.  I have yet to run into a situation where the guard gets in the way and I use an angle grinder daily.  

  5. Every forum has an overall personality, comprised of many personalities, so it always takes a bit to get a feel for a new forum.  I apologize in advance for any missed humor.  I tend to find humor where it wasn't intended and miss the obvious at times.  :-)


  6. If anyone is going to complain about neighbors, it will be me complaining about them!  Lol  They re a bit of  rowdy bunch, so they are usually thanking me for not calling the cops on them.  True story!  :-)

    Seriously though, the town I live in is pretty decent about leaving people alone as long as they aren't bothering others.  The way it's supposed to be.  I work from home as well, so there's always a bit of noise coming from here.  The main thing is, just being respectful, and paying attention to what hours of the day I work and make a ruckus.  Of course being cordial to the neighbors goes a long way as well.  


    And if you meant that tongue in cheek, disregard this.  :-)

  7. Thanks Mr. Powers, I'll need to look into that a bit more and see.  My buddy is renovating our tiny library at the moment, so once they get re-situated, I'll have to ask them about it.  

    Thanks again Pnut and JHCC!  I'll check that site out and see what looks intriguing.  Problem with me is, everything looks intriguing when I get into something new!  Lol  I like to immerse myself pretty good in whatever it is I'm trying to learn, so thank you all for the suggestions!  I sincerely appreciate it!

  8. I'll look at a library when I get to a big enough town that has a library with the chances of having blacksmith books.  I live in rural Kansas, in a town of 250 people, and the nearest bigger town, about 15k people is about an hour away, but I will definitely take that approach next time I go there.  I do understand what you are saying though 100%.  The same goes for videos, music and other things as well.  Thanks for mentioning it!

  9. I follow ya now.  I had to Google a pic of a rivet forge, and you pretty well described it in your other comment, "a rivet forge with a fire pot".  That's what it looks like to me.  He always just called it his forge, and I'm just getting into this and so I'm trying to pick up all the terminology.  


    Thanks.  I'm pretty excited to try it out.

  10. 11 minutes ago, pnut said:

    As far as I can tell it's a firepot with a small hearth. Like a rivet forge with an actual firepot but the op will know for sure I'm just guessing 


    You give me too much credit.  :-)  All I know about it is it's a coal forge, for farriers, hence it's size for portability.  I'm almost 100% certain it's a Mankel as well.  (still waiting on my buddy to get back with me)  

  11. 8 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

    Is the forge coal or gas? I remember Mankel used to make a small portable coal forge. Now all the forges are propane.

    It's a coal forge.  This would be that forge, I'm pretty certain.  I did look up Mankel forges and saw they only have gas now.  I literally can't find anything at all about the forge online, not even any pictures, so maybe it wasn't all that common, I'm not sure.    

  12. 31 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

    Whatcha interested in forging?  That forge looks a bit specialized.

    I'm kinda interested in forging ornamental type doodads, hooks, utensils, and just whatever comes to mind down the road.  I don't have any real specific direction I plan on going, I'm just going to go with it and see where it leads!  I do a bit of machining, so I just want to do some metal work that isn't so precise, if that makes sense.  

    The forge is a farriers forge.  I think they sold them as a set, or maybe he just got them at the same time, I don't recall exactly, but I do know he got it while he was down in Oklahoma at the farriers school...........In Tulsa I think.  

    19 minutes ago, pnut said:

    Welcome aboard. I've never seen that type of forge before with a firepot and little hearth. Looks pretty cool. Good luck be safe and remember it's supposed to be fun. 


    Thanks for the welcome!  It's a small little farrier's forge,  I'm almost certain it's a Mankel, but not 100%.  I just text my buddy to ask, I'll report back when he answers.  I couldn't find any info on it, and barely any on Mankel anvils, so it must be a bit obscure.  Fun is my ultimate goal, in every aspect of life!

    38 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

    Welcome aboard... I always suggest this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST

    Thanks!  I did read it, thank you!

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