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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Kait

  1. Wow, alright haha I'm about 100% new to all of this and clearly there's a lot I have to learn...so, please forgive my ignorance!  I live in the central CO Rockies and Denver is about an hour away from us.  I will check around Denver possibly, as well as those other websites you listed, Thomas.  Thank you for pointing out the differences between these things and giving me some ideas to start with or search for! Much appreciated.

  2. Hi!

    I am in search of a small custom made mold or 2 for a Christmas gift for my boyfriend for pouring/casting precious (...and not so precious) metals.  I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that do this sort of thing.  I originally googled some and emailed a few, but it has been almost a week and have not heard back from any of them.

    He's a welder and also enjoys just about anything to do with rock-hounding, minerals, gems, precious metals, and really just about anything science-y.  When he puts his mind to something, he follows through.   So far, he has built his own rock crusher, roll mill, and a ball mill (forgive me if these are not the correct terms), and now he's expanding his hobbies to smelting etc.  He has tried it out on a few things like aluminum and copper and although I think they turned out great for his first couple tries there are a few kinks to be worked out.  I really think he'd love to have his own mold.  Nothing complicated, just maybe his last name printed in it... 

    SO, any help would be greatly appreciated!  INCLUDING any other info like brands, companies, certain products that you love, or that I should stay away from.

    Thanks for your time, 




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