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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Cliffork

  1. I just brought home my first anvil through a woman I bought a leg vise from on Facebook that happened to know my uncle. She had a Blacksmith friend from high school in his 70's who had a bad back and gave up the craft. He sold me a bunch of his supplies, including this good condition Hay Budden anvil! Somewhere around 120lbs, I need to clean it up a bit and see if the markings are visible. I'll update once I've done that, but at least the maker mark is visible from the start! 

    Edit: I just noticed that my new anvil is even saying hello to me, AY BUD! 


  2. On 11/25/2013 at 9:17 PM, John McPherson said:

    First number = cwt or long hundredweights, or 112 lbs. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or more(!!) possible

    Second number = quarter hundredweights, or 28 lbs. 0, 1, 2, or 3 only

    Third number = pounds, 0 to 27.


    So, 3 x 28 = 84, + 16 = 100.


    From the charming folk who used pence, farthings and quid for money. The cwt is 8 stone.

    I'm having a hard time understanding how to figure this out. I know this thread is old but I'm trying to determine the weight of a peter wright. It's numbers are 0, 2, 25. So am I right thinking that should be 81#?

  3. Unfortunately he already sold it. Just messaged him. I've seen a few others for 4-500, I'm just never sure if it's the right thing or not. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, in terms of what I make and what I use. So its hard for me to be settle for a rough anvil or an ASO, even though I know they would definitely make due.

    I've got the money to spend, even if I'm not sure if I should be spending it all on something I'm just starting out with. I really want it, I just know I probably shouldn't spend that much money on it. Although I do like the thought of buying an extremely nice anvil now so I basically never have to worry about buying one again.

    In terms of the kinds of smithing, I mostly want to do forged bladesmithing. But I also want to do art pieces and general blacksmithing as well. I think my first project is going to be a coat rack, because I'm tired of my fiance and I stacking out dining room chairs with coats lol.

  4.  I was really looking to only spend 400-500 originally. But that was for the 70-150 lb range. I never really set a full budget though, I've mostly just been looking at price/lb. I've got most of my tools(half a dozen hammers, tongs, and files, HF belt/circ sander, angle grinder) and a good stock of scrap, I just have to get a forge and an anvil.

    The same guy is also selling a 2x72 grinder, and I thought about trying to haggle by buying both, but I'm not really sure the grinder is worth it right now. He's asking 900 for it. I do eventually want one though, so I'm still considering it.

    I do like the Bank of Iron thought of it. It's still a decent chunk of change to throw in the Bank of Iron though lol. 


  5. Hi guys,

    I'm a new blacksmith and have been looking for an anvil for a little over a month. I've had my eye on this one for a while but didn't think I wanted one quite so heavy. I'd originally been looking in the 70-150lb range due to wanting the ability to move it around my garage when I need to say, park in it. But this thing is just such a beauty, and I really liked this style of anvil that I used while taking a class last weekend (though the ring was crazy loud). Do you guys have any opinions on it? This is the only picture he has listed, but it comes with the stand and everything (which is exciting for me because i don't have a welder and would rather have a metal stand.. He's about a 30 minute drive from where I work. I want to try to haggle him down a little from his $1300 price, but not sure how far I should go. Probably going to have to base it on the actual state of the face.

    Euro Columbo.jpg

  6. Hello all,

    I'm looking at buying my first forge this week after having taken my first class and absolutely loving it.

    I've been trying to look into the NC Knifemakers Forge over the Whisper Momma based on some complaints I've seen on the Whisper Momma not getting to forge welding temperature very easily. 

    Does anyone have any experience with this forge? I can't find any previous threads talking about this one. If you have any thoughts let me know!

    (I'm looking to buy rather than build because I've been buying materials for a few weeks and loved my first forging session and would like to get started. I have no welding experience and I feel like it would take quite a while to build my own. Therefore I've just been trying to find what I can best get for my money that isn't going to be a gas hog or cheap firebrick forge like a diamondback.)



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