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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by CACrawf

  1. Thanks Frosty,nice to be here:)
    Alas no goats just my prized three legged super mongrel.I think he'd like a goat.ANYWAY sry for off topic.Thanks having me and I hope I can contribute:)
    I am working on a claymore and a rapier at this time it just so happens,both 5160 and rough forged.I will be happy to get pics up with stages.I am running into plenty of hiccups with these fella's as well,mainly heat treat and hilt components departments.I'll get some images:P

  2. Hi all,I was looking to identify a 300 lb anvil I am looking at but got sidelined here and just wanted to contribute.
    I am a bladesmith and metalsmith by default.I have forged several swords of the shorter variety and yes swordsmithing is an entirely unique creature I must say.Farthest almost from forging a knife.My advice for what its worth is keep at it and be prepared to let go of a lot of hours as a scrap gentle reminder but never intend too.and forge nails.The horn is your friend,normalize constantly and be patient.I have found personally the best thing for me when I got the urge to push and finish a section is to stop there and come back another day.There's my two cents, Hammer On!:)

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