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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Ntryt2

  1. Not sure what this 6/9 on the bottom side represents? 


    And it's terrifying to think of everything this anvil was used for. There are stories of experimental surgeries on the feeble minded to cure retardation. Horrible stories about how the committed reproduced and the "DOCTORS" there would experiment on the resulting children because there was no records of them ever existing. The graveyard there is soooo sad!!! I can only picture some gruesome hunch back man in an apron forging away in a dimly lit basement!!! How many hammer blows has this anvil endured!?!?!? Yet not a single pit or spot of rust ANYWHERE...just random gouges and mysterious markings. 



  2. This came out of the basement of an old mental health asylum. Place had been around since the early 1900's. At one time the "colony" as it was referred to was home to some 3,000 plus mentally ill and otherwise "unfit" in society. They raised their own cattle for slaughter and their own crops as well all with labor from the ill. Makes me wonder what it would tell if it could tell its story!?!?!?

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