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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Dog_guy

  1. 16 minutes ago, Steve Sells said:

    You should be careful of impersonating a lawyer, you are not doing a very good job of it.  My legal affairs are in order, just because you cant find records of my registry does not mean I dont have them. Josh will be finding out soon enough sadly he wants legal trouble so now he gets it,  too bad it takes so long for the wheels of justice to turn, and the law does state first in time, first in line as well as the required defending of a trade name, that is first year business law stuff


    When did ever say that I was a lawyer? Is that what you took from “degreed professional”? Lol

    if your business acumen is anything like your ability to communicate honestly and effectively with others, I believe Fenris and Fenris’ Forge are safe from any harm you may wish upon them.

    you should be careful of impersonating someone with a trademark, when you don’t have one I suppose. Lol 

  2. 6 minutes ago, pnut said:

    Here is something of value to add. A guy with a belt sander chopping on other people's knife designs does not a forge make. In order to call yourself a forge you have to forge something besides a name.


    Have a great day  and I recommend covering up your family's car the next time you are in the garage using your belt sander. The grit isn't good for the paint.

    Lol Dude, I’m not Fenris. I am a degreed professional from the state of Texas. 

    I’ll be sure to pass on your concern for his car’s paint though. (See? My consistent rule. Apostrophe then “s”, unless the word ends with an “s” lol)

  3. 22 minutes ago, Marc1 said:

    Message to Mr Dog_guy ... Josh or Fenris:

    Change the name and be done with it

    Apparently you can’t read either. Lol I’m not Fenris. I have had no personal interaction with Mr. Sells. I don’t have a business to rename. I know Fenris and I have posted here to support his stance that legally he has done nothing wrong. This might sound strange to you guys who only want to bully random strangers on an internet thread, but people have friends and their friends will defend them. Especially when someone someone comes along like Mr. Sells trying to be a bully and top notch jerk.

    not that there is any problem with Mr. Sells initiating contact with people with xxxxxxxxx Mode activated, however, he should has xxxx  affairs in proper legal order before trying to do so.


  4. 11 minutes ago, pnut said:

    I wasn't asking you if you are an English teacher. It seems you should reread the post.  I was asking the English teacher you were erroneously correcting.

    The interaction between you and Mr Sells is exactly as described by him. He asked you to stop using a name he has been using for twenty years and you refuse. 

    I imagine this thread will be closed soon so just let me finish by saying to call your business a forge you must forge something.


    You should re-read my post. I didn’t think you were talking to me. However, I was giving clarification that I was not an English teacher (and here is where you might need to brush up your vocabulary) I corrected his erroneous critique of my usage of the English language. Perhaps go back to the Pnut gallery if you can’t add anything of value to the topics at hand, hm? Lol 


    i am not Fenris either, don’t you understand that? I’m just someone that knows him and cannot abide seeing someone being bullied and trashtalked.

  5. 1 hour ago, Buzzkill said:

    You may want to check these things out before posting on a public forum.  You would indeed use "Fenris's Forge" if you were doing it properly unless the word "Fenris" was itself plural - and it's not.  You are also incorrect about "alliterated."  You can stand by it if you wish, but that doesn't change the meaning of the word.

    It occurs to me that I'm wasting my time, but I've already typed this out so I guess I'll post it anyway.

    Lol i’m Not an English teacher, and I don’t claim to be. Regardless, of any protests from you or anyone else on this thread about my grammar, my intent was clearly understood. That’s called communication.  You guys are trying to be jerks to me because I don’t agree with Steve Sells. Oh well, some guys are the Internet are trying to be mean to me. Lol

    Maybe Steve should let you guys know exactly how he contacted Fenris about his supposed trademark infringement for a trademark that he doesn’t own? Have you guys seen the emails and message he wrote? Maybe you should so that all sides of the story are known.











    Oh, and it appears that Fenris’s Forge and Fenris’ Forge both indicate singular possession....English is such a flexible language. Glad I am not the English teacher who got that wrong. Lol 




  6. 2 hours ago, JHCC said:

    First of all, you mean "punctuated", not "alliterated".

    Second, a single name ending in "s" takes an apostrophe and another "s" to indicated possession. "S" followed by an apostrophe and nothing else is ONLY used to indicate possession by a plural subject. In other words, "Fenris' Forge" means "Forge owned by a number of people named Fenri".

    Alliterate, means to have multiple words beginning with the same letter, or letter sound. Alternatively, it is used to denote when something is spelled out. I stand by usage.

    secondly, the apostrophe after the “s” denotes singular possession by the noun, when the noun ends with that “s”. You wouldn’t Fenris’s Forge. You say Fenris’ Forge.

    i hope you forge iron better than you craft words in the English language. Lol 

  7. You aware that his name is actually, Fenris, right? It’s the reason it is alliterated with the ‘ after the s. Fenris’ Forge. All due respect to your craft, he is not copying your logo. He is not copying your maker’s mark either. Further, you have not trademarked the name. Your statement about what comes up first in your search is subjective because your search results are also skewed by an algorithm to deliver personally relevant results based upon prior search history.

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