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I Forge Iron

Frosty's Forge

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Posts posted by Frosty's Forge

  1. i think i will share my bad experience with a fuel oil drum...

    i found a nice 44 gallon drum and rolled it around. assuming it was water sloshing about inside it i started cutting into it with an angle grinder while straddling the drum to hold it in place while i cut it. i was removing the top.

    when the fumes reached me i began to wonder what it was:confused: and if it was flammable... so being young and stupid i stood it up and threw a lit piece of wood at it...

    boy what a fire ball it was.:D. funnily enough the sticker on the drum said. "Racing fuel. Caution: highly Explosive!!" in a nice big red triangle.

    after it cooled down i finished the cutting but i would hate to think what would've happened had i been still straddling it when it was ignited.
    follow frostys advice. DON'T DO IT!

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