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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Rhode

  1. Thanks, Lou. I find it pretty interesting how excited I find myself getting over having that old rusty piece of metal. I definitely won't use a massive hammer. After reading a bit, I noticed that the 1:40 ratio is what's suggested. So that means nothing heavier than a 3.5lb hammer. I'm not sure if that's correct though. Either way, I can't wait to actually use it and have that connection to my family and to the past. 

  2. Chelonian - That's pretty interesting. I would have never considered that because I was hard stuck on Smith. After looking at some images though, I completely see what you mean.

    ThomasPowers - I just did a basic Google searching for old anvil makers. The list that I found didn't have anything with Smith on it. I guess it wasn't a very good list!

    Just a little more info - My great grandfather was born in 1895 and this was on his farm in Tennessee. I'm not sure if that helps at all. Thanks!

  3. Hey all,

    I recently decided that I wanted to learn blacksmithing and started looking for classes in my area. After mentioning this to my mother, she reminded me of a family heirloom that's sitting in her garage. The only thing we know for sure is that it was her grandfather's anvil that was on his farm. I remember sitting on it when I was kid in my grandfather's shop. She took some pictures of it (not very good ones) and I thought I'd post it to see what you all can make of it. I'm going to have it shipped over so I can clean it up and put it to use. She lives on the other side of the country.

    I couldn't make out what the markings were and thought I'd better show some people that actually know anvils!

    Any ideas? Thanks!





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