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Posts posted by oakcrkcyn

  1. Had some help today, no numbers on the front foot under the horn, we looked really close, lots of rust, maybe it corroded off?  The only numbers we could ascertain were a 1 3 2 on the side (or could be 152), below the words Solid Wrought and the arm/hammer.  In my first photo if you look closely you can make out numbers in the bottom 1/3 of the photo, my help today thought it was 1 3 2, but looking now could be 152.  Are these fairly valuable, I want to put a price on it as my neighbor is very interested. 

  2. So Arm and Hammer had different styles of arm/hammer marks??  Curious because the arm/hammer etching doesn't look like the ones I've seen.  The Arm and Hammer's looked more defined or robust might be the word.  I will have to get some help turning this anvil over to find that SN.  Excited to find out more, it was my husbands and he never got around to researching it.   

  3. I have an old anvil, although its embedded in a short barrel of concrete.  I'm trying to find out if someone knows anything more about it?   I can't find a name on it or make out the makers mark, but I did take a bunch of photographs.  The mark on it is hard to distinguish, I found one very much like it on the internet looking at other anvil images.  (In one of my photos I played around with the color and contrast using Photoshop because sometimes markings and details show up better in another color, or with more/less color saturation.)
    If you look closely, at the top shows "Warranted" and just below that you can see an arm with a hammer on it.  It's not like the arm/hammer that is on an Arm and Hammer Anvil.   I have the one photo that shows my anvil markings alongside the one I found on the internet.  The internet photo is clearer, but it looks very much just like mine, can't find a name. 

    IMG_7194 sm.jpg


    anvil comparison.jpg

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