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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by v_dude

  1. Hello,

    I am at a hobby level, I designed my own BBQ smoke oven, which was a success on the 2nd try, I am currently working on making a new bigger one installing all kinds of new stuff. When it comes to metals side from blacksmith it is easy get wielding and installing things done for me. I plan for my future project to play with titanium, which has a melting point of 3000 F. So I am hoping you guys can help me here with your knowledge if you don't mind;

    What are the elements that effects the forge temperature?

    Does increasing the number of burners help in increasing the forge's max temperature?

    Does the forge/furnace needs any heat resistant upgrading to operate at a temperature around 3000~3100 F?

    What are the risks of operating at temperatures beyond 2750 F ?

    Thank you very much for your time


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