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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Ninjarex1

  1. True, my wife seems to have the hobby of collecting hobbies. She gets interested in something, spends between $500 to $1500 gearing up for the hobby, does it for about 6 weeks and then it all goes in totes and I don't see that stuff again for at least 3 years. The worst was quilting. Her sewing machine is like 3 grand and it is under a stack of clothes. So, I always try to be supportive of her making things, but I try to steer her back to stuff she is already equipped with.

  2. Yes, I browsed it last night actually. I really liked the old boat anchor anvil. At this point I'm just keeping my eyes out for anything heavy lol. 

    The coal I bought is bituminous. I read on this forum about how much it smoked, and was still surprised at how much it smoked lol. During my research that evening my wife suggested I just buy a propane forge. I feel like I should work my way up to it though. Learn different types of fuel. Plus, I still have 25lbs of coal. I think it might be a trap. If I buy a forge, she will want to buy more craft supplies.... 

  3. Hello, I am finally getting into forging. I've wanted to learn for many years and my 7 year old son expressed interest in it recently, so here I am. I built a forge out of loose bricks in my backyard and started out using lump charcoal. We made some tongs and those work OK. Then I tried to make a scoop out of a railroad spike and that just sort of turned into a ridiculous looking butter knife lol. 

    I bought an anvil from Harbour Freight, (you know the one) and that's already beat to hell. I am thinking I should just get a block of steel, but I don't know what would be the best thing for me yet. 

    I also built everything low to the ground so my boy could have easy access to it, but that was a fool move because my back fell off. So, I'm still trying to figure out how to set things up, but it's fun. Oh, I bought actual coal and I learned an awful lot that night lol. I'm thinking I'll eventually buy a propane forge. We'll see... 



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