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Posts posted by Sigmund

  1. Frosty!  Thank you! I am going to go with the flange plan!  The setback of burner - critical pro tip!

    Ill try and pull together a build photo montage to continue the sharing and delurkification.

    Irondragon! Thank You! I did a bunch of google searches but didn't include site:iforgeiron.com  That is the way to go. I think I was also using the wrong keywords due to a critical error between the chair and the keyboard.  :)

  2. Here is a +1 to doing your research on this site. I have been a member here since 2019 and have always what I needed by scouring these forums before asking a question.  Every single time my question has been answered somewhere. I searched the forums for a few hours last night and was seconds from asking a new question and I found this gem of thread.  Ill try to do a better job of posting to verify a post that worked. As this is my first post,  Its great to meet all of you and I appreciate your collective wisdom and sharing.  I think my location is in my bio, but we are going to find out soon :) 

    Not to hijack this post, but rather clarify the point of ribbon burner mounting gap and procedure for those looking to answer the question.  I am building a my second forge as a propane bottle ribbon burner forge following all of the great advice on this site via the design on Wayne Coe's site. I tried casting in place over my freon bottle forge and it was a GONG show... Thing is  like an hourglass now that forge is fairly useless. I went with a 30lb propane bottle as I have many that I have acquired over the years that are unused, vs the one 20lb bottle I have.  Maybe that was penny wise and pound foolish, but its already cut/shaped and it's the middle of winter. 

    Here comes the verification/clarification.  On my ribbon burner install, my plan is to wrap my burner in a layer of cardboard and plastic wrap slathered in crisco, then cast around the burner.  

    1. Should I cast  Kast-o-Lite to wrap around my rigidized Kaowool to cover the 2" that are exposed in the burner gap/opening? 
    2. I am not planning on stuffing any raw kaowool between my ribbon burner and where it sits inside the forge. I don't want loose wool floating around and in to the air so am just going to leave that cardboard sized gap open to the world.
    3. Any general reference on sizing the opening vs size of burner.
    4. If there is a post available that answers all of these questions, I couldn't find it, but would sure love to read it!

    Silverbull - Awesome build, I hope its trucking along like you want it to. 


    Thanks in advance!

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