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I Forge Iron

Geologist Paul

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Posts posted by Geologist Paul

  1. Thanks for the answers SLAG and Thomas,

    My clever nuclear chemist wife immediately pointed out the oxidation problem, but wonders why the Widmanstetten patterns do not oxidize naturally. Anyway, that is off-topic.

    I do not have a pallasite specimen, I was thinking of purchasing one, sawing out the olivine and using the metallic matrix for the ring. Now I see that is not the way to go as it appears most meteorite rings are not cast.

    I think I will go the easy route and just purchase the olivines from here


    And getting these people to make the ring.


    Thanks again for the help,

    Geologist Paul out

  2. Hi All,

    I want to make (or have somebody make) a ring out of a type of meteorite called pallasite (see link below). I would provide the meteorite.



    The ring should be a thin, uncomplicated affair like this.

    Related image

    Does anybody know who could do such a thing?

    Presumably you would just saw out the olivine and send it away to a lapidary to cut the stones and then just melt down the metal parts of the meteorite and cast into a ring. 

    Thanks for any help or contacts,


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