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I Forge Iron

Muddy Camping

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Posts posted by Muddy Camping

  1. My wife has mentioned she would like an “edging tool” and I would like to make her one. Think flat shovel used to cut grass runners into the flower beds and roots from trees running into the grass.  It would have the same “step” a shovel has to use foot power. Most shovel type tools like this that I buy are junk and I’m kind of rough on them anyway, hints the leaning toward making it myself. 

    My question revolves around suggestions of types of steel would be good for this application? The thing will probably stay kind of muddy and more then likely will come into contact with rocks other things that would ding low carbon steel. I would want it to hold an edge over time but don’t have anything other then a coal forge and an oven at the house. Ideas? 

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