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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by RyanD

  1. Thank you Charles for the inspiration to get started for little cost. It made jumping in much easier. I'll likely fiddle and modify as I become better acquainted with my needs, but this was mostly built with stuff laying around in my garage and shed. I did fire it up today, and worked like a charm. Will be looking to put together some more equipment as I hunt down some deals at the scrap yard and on CL. 



  2. That looks good to me! Also, thanks for the advice. I've been reading up an anvil alternatives, and there's a forklift fork for sale down the road for $25 on craigslist. That's likely to be my anvil, just need to my vehicle to get out of the shop so I can pick it up.

  3. Hello all

    Wanted to take a second to introduce myself, my name is Ryan and I currently live in the upstate of SC. Also, I wanted to offer my thanks to all who came before me for sharing their knowledge on this site. The abundant lessons shared that I've perused over the last few weeks of lurking, from beginner to master level, have given me the confidence to take up the hobby.

    Currently I have zero experience, and only began to have an interest a month or so back. While looking for ways to build a forge google led me to the JABOD thread, and let's just say the rest is history. Looking to learn and grow from others experience here, and in time hoping to give something back.

    I started to make my JABOD forge yesterday from a leftover pallet and some wood I had laying around the shop. Hoping to finish it up today, and begin my journey soon. Thanks again, and I look forward to getting to know you all.


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