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I Forge Iron

Feral F

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Posts posted by Feral F

  1. 19 hours ago, Derek Melton said:

    I recently bought a 15kg ST and am very happy with it. :) the quality of the machining seems to be high.  No issues two and a half months in. 

    Hi Derek, 

    Thank you! I actually asked the guys at ST to provide some reviews from North American buyers and they sent me video which I believe is yours. It was a very informative video, so thank you for that! The Runfa customer service is great and they do seem to be honest and helpful, but I can see where they are cutting some corners to have the product cheaper. I think I may go with the ST. 

    If any one else has experience with these hammers I would love to hear!

  2. I’ve been researching Chinese C41 hammers for a month or so. I would ideally like to purchase an Anyang, but I simply can’t afford that right now. What I can afford is something under $5,000. (For a 40kg/88lb hammer). So i’ve been contacting and getting quotes from several companies on Alibaba. The prices between these companies for a 40kg hammer (different specs/styles, but all similar) is $2500-$5000.  I’ve also been asking all of the questions I can think of from these companies, including asking them to compare their hammers to the hammers from other companies on Alibaba, which has been interesting. I can share any of this info and the documentation of the various quotes I have received if anyone is interested.  

    I have narrowed my interest down to three companies: ST, Runfa, and Zaozhuang.  Runfa is the cheapest and they even claim this as their a selling point. They claim to have good hammers at a cheaper price than the rest. They don’t claim to have superior hammers than the rest. ST is on the more expensive end and they claim this is because their hammer is superior and that the Runfa machine is cheaply made crap. ST also claims to have hammers just as good as Anyang, but they are able to offer at a lower price, because they will sell without going through a USA dealer and they don’t rely on larger hammer sales. 

    My question for those with experience with these Chinese hammers is which one should I go with? What is your experience with these hammers? Is an ST really better than a Runfa or other cheaper Chinese hammers?

    If this information helps, I am a sculptor and I’m just looking for hammer to help in making forms with larger stock and faster. I also make knives, jewelry, and small objects as a hobbyist so I may use it for that as well. I need a hammer now, because I am about to start an MFA program and I need to produce sculpture as efficiently as possible for the next two years. One day i’ll invest in a nicer Anyang hammer. 

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