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I Forge Iron

Katie Donovan

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Posts posted by Katie Donovan

  1. Good morning!  I have decided to keep the anvil.  I do think its kinda crazy to keep a 70lb peice to pass down to my son i hope one day his grandchildren will think it's awesome :)  just wanted to update you guys.  ill pop on now and again and show you some work I do 

  2. I'm going to put it up on Craigslist now and see if I can find someone more local because it does make more sense.  The guy would meet us halfway so it would be a three hour round trip instead of 6. (I just did a good job at negotiating with him!) :) It would be great sell out west but I think it would be more trouble to get it out there.  I'm super indecisive and kinda want to just keep it!  we have family out in Delaware so maybe we'll have to take a long road trip and donate it to the anvil fisher museum in Pennsylvania.  Not so much history that I know of.  We picked up the two anvils from my great uncles barn.  My great uncle was a logger and my grandfather did construction and paving (lived 5 minutes apart) who knows what they could've been up too with them.  

    the little guy needs some love but it's a Columbian vise 00.  That means 5lbs right? We make these copper flowers with it once its cleaned up. 


  3. Thanks for the help everyone!  I was a little confused the museum my boyfriend talked to quoted between 200-300. And I gentlemen from Maine was the one to make the offer.  He's willing to meet us halfway and pay $250. (which is fantastic because I didnt really want to take a 6hour trip with a 3month old lol) He is a dealer and has an antique shop so I don't think he would sell it as a working anvil (he never mentioned anything about a rebound test).  What exactly is a rebound test? Should I try to find someone in my area who can do a rebound test before i take they drive and have this gentlemen not be interested?

    my boyfriend said the gentlemen from the museum was very helpful

  4. I'm trying to find a home for this beautiful anvil.  It seems to be in very good shape from ones I have seen.  not sure how much I should get for it I've seen such a variety of prices.  how do you price them?  how do I know I'm getting what I should?  I'm a young woman and don't want to get ripped off..  the bottom has 1882 on it and an eagle on the side and fisher on the other.  A gentlemen I reached out to who runs a anvil museum offered $300.  I just feel like it's a low blow.  Can anyone help me out?


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