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I Forge Iron

Christian Nada

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Posts posted by Christian Nada

  1. So a little backstory, So the company I work for has been around for 70+ years give or take a decade. We used to be mostly a salvage company. We had 5 acres + shop space. Idk about 30 years ago we got a hold of a truck (like a 20-foot shipping container) Full of anvils. They're all sold and gone a long long time ago But this one has been in the back of my shop since I've worked there someone set it aside for shop use. But before they did that it sat in the yard for 20 years getting weathered.  I'll take some different pictures maybe grab the wire wheel. 

  2. It's located in the pacific northwest. It is not an ASO, it has a hardened plate and has outstanding rebound & ring, I've used cheapy modern day anvils and this one blows them out of the water with sound and rebound. I high lighted a picture where you can see the strike plate joinery. 


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