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I Forge Iron

steve keaton

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Posts posted by steve keaton

  1. Thanks for the info men. I checked it out and cleaned all the crud out. I knew that some people put a quart of transmission fluid in at oil changes to clean out the sludge. I had a quart and filled her up. After a few minutes I turned the crank and it started turning smooth as silk. By the way what type lube and how much do I put in? Thanks again!

  2. Thanks.....I read somewhere on this site that the Dayton 1tdn5 was a good blower. Do you know anything about Dayton blowers and if so could you recommend one? I'm using charcoal right now but I can't get a heat. A dull orange is about as hot as I can get. The blower is a sunlar I think and yes it is new.

  3. Thank you sir for your response. Sorry but I don't really understand. The blower I am considering is described as having 125 cfm and 380 pa. The run will be maybe 14" but probably closer to 12". It, as well as the tureyre (hope I spelled that right) is made of 2.5 inch square tubing, and is at a 22.5 degree angle going up into the firepot. Again thank you for your time...........

  4. Hello everyone, hope all is well. Just a quick question. Does a blower with 380 pa have enough pressure to effectively operate a coke forge with a fire pot 10" x 12" and 3" deep? Thanks to all..............

  5. Oops...sorry for my lack of info. The building I use for a shop is just 15'x15'. It has one door and no windows. My forge is 2'x3' and the firepot is 10"x12" and the front of the forge is by the door. I built a  "super sucker" hood I found on anvilfire.com. It draws good except when I first light it. I'm considering putting an exhaust fan in the flue. Thanks for your responses and if l left anything out let me know. Thanks again.....

  6. Hi....my name is Steve and I just joined. I just built my first forge and started out using charcoal but I am concerned about carbon monoxide gas. I really do not want to drag my forge outside every time I want to use it. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.....

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