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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Mil81

  1. Man, your name process true!!! Lol. 

    You are 100% right. I guess I was grasping at straws. 

    Idon't know if I have access to ceramic blanket outside of Amazon or eBay, but I will figure something out. 

    Fair enough. I concede. I may have access to a 30lb propane tank that I could repurpose. Then it's just a matter of finding some ceramic blanket that won't take a year or a fortune to ship up here to the great White north

  2. Ok. Thanks for the input guys. I think what I will do is heed a portion of your input, cut the size of the forge in half, then plan to build a round forge in the future when these bricks crack. 

    I will take the bricks standing upright and lay them flat. 

    The metal frame will hold the bricks tight and allow for 1" of kao-wool 

    I am using a 0-30psi regulator so hopefully this will get things hot enough for me to get started smashing some steel


  3. Alright folks, I have done a ton of reading on building forges. I am doing some of the technical, material steps however, for simplicity's sake, so please don't be too hard on me. 

    I chose to build a rectangular forge, again for simplicity's sake, as well as cost. I am using fire bricks, cemented together. I will have a metal frame built around it, with a small air pocket that will allow me to add kao-wool later if I desire. The pictures below show the progress this far. I am planning to add one more row of bricks to the front. That is where I plan on having the burner entering. That leads me to my question. 

    I am part way into the build, and looking for some advice on burner placement (I know, another can of worms containing everyone's opinions). I am using a version of a venturi burner I mostly copied from the common videos on YouTube. My thought is that I will Mount it at the front of the forge, pointing towards the rear on roughly a 20 or 30 degree angle to help disperse the heat more evenly that a straight vertical burner. 

    What do you guys think of the angled burner idea? 

    Thanks in advance. I am excited to hear what you're guys think





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