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I Forge Iron

Tom's Metal Shop

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Posts posted by Tom's Metal Shop

  1. I could give you some train puns, but I don't want to de-rail this thread. . . . 

    Olalla is just north of Gig Harbor.  

    Hawaii has the worst traffic in the nation, is the least 'small business friendly' state, one of the highest cost of living, and is number one in the amount of people living pay check to pay check.  All that on top of a state and county government that seems to be hell bent on driving the state into the ground made for a pretty easy argument for leaving Hawaii.  We love it up here.   Miss our people and some of the food that is hard to get over here, but overall, we love it!


  2. Here is the Anvil I just picked up.  went to a farm sale and was asking if they happened to have an anvil.  They didn't, but an older gentleman next to me says, 'I have an anvil'.  gave him my card and I got a call from him a couple of weeks later.  I can't find much about it or the company that maid it except that Gardiner MFG co. was founded in 1944.  So I know it's no older than 73 years old.   If anyone knows anything about it, I would love to know if it was a good find.  Seems to be in great shape. What do you folks think? 



  3. Hello everyone!  My name is Tom and I live in Western Washington State.   I moved here about 1-1/2 years ago from Hawaii, where I grew up and lived for 36 years.   I started a small business here on our property doing some welding and metal work.  Mostly furniture and small tools and repair type of stuff.  I have always wanted to get into blacksmithing and with my recent find of an anvil, I am one step closer.  My wife has signed me up for an intro to Blacksmithing course for my Christmas gift.  I'm excited to be here on the forum and gather knowledge from all of you! 



    anvil 105.jpg


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