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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Bryanancy

  1. I am trying to get as much information as possible to get an idea of who and where to take this anvil. I do not want to ruin it. I see you are from TX hope all is well with all of the flooding. I have a college teacher who teaches welding. I was going to talk to him and see his opinion. Who do you recommend and is there anyone in my area southern Cal. What college in TX does this anvil clinic take place. Thanks again.

  2. Hey thanks for all of your advice. I'm in California and would love to talk to you and get your opinion on how to fix it and or if it is still useable. I am just starting in the blacksmithing endeavor. I do know a very competent welder but from what I have read and watched on YouTube the proper steps need to be taken to preserve this anvil. Give me call if you like to discuss my options. It maybe easier over the phone, due to all of my questions.  Bryan 626-664-2048

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