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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Hooptie00

  1. In my search for an anvil, after trying Craig's List and a look at ebay, I tried the ask around method and and got lucky while visiting my in laws in TN.

    Figuring that they live in a rural farming community I might just get lucky.

    It worked. I asked my father in law if he could keep an ear out for anyone in the area that might have an anvil they didn't need anymore. His response was pretty quick, he said he had one in the barn. Long story short, being as I was looking and he had one just gathering dust, I scored a new to me anvil.

    When I got it home and cleaned it up, I started to do some research and found out it was a Vulcan #8. Now realizing it's not in the same class as a Hay Budden or Peter Wright.  I'm in possession of a free anvil.

    The question is, all of the Vulcan anvils I see online have the logo at the waist, this one has the logo at the foot area. Can anyone give a reason why the difference and what that may mean.

    It has some damage as I am finding out most of them do. So, since it was free do I look for a competent smith/welder to spruce it up a little or just follow the party line of bang some steel on it.

    I have read the forums and have a pretty good idea of the limitations dealing with the construction of Vulcan anvils, just looking for a few more experienced viewpoints.

    Please take a look and let me know.










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