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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ScottyOmega

  1. Thanks guys!  I do have a question.  It appears that a piece broke off in the pritchel hole.  You can kind of see it in the 3rd picture.  Any recommendations on how to get it out? Just drill? I was also considering hitting it with the torch and trying to punch it out maybe? Thoughts?

  2. From the research I've done it appears that the M&H designation occurred during 1820-1835.  Pritchel holes weren't added until 1830 or so though. My Mousehole anvil has the M&H Armitage marking on it but also has a pritchel hole.  So I believe mine is somewhere between 1830-1835.  So you're is probably somewhere between 1820-1830. Hope that helps.

    My M&H also has a mark, but it says "CP".  I wonder if the primary builder of them back then put their own mark on it when it during manufacturing.  Total off the cuff guess on that.

  3. Recently my wife became the director of a living museum based in the 19th century that has a working blacksmith shop.  It took less than a month for her to get me signed up and volunteering there.  I immediately got bit by the forging bug and went on a journey to find an anvil that would fit my entry level budget.  Earlier this week I happened to be browsing these forums and found a post from another user about a Mousehole Forge anvil located in Spencer, MA for $200.  I immediately called the gentlemen and he said he had someone coming to look at it later that night but that if it didn't go through he would give me a call and I could come get it.  Well, I'm a firm believer of money talks and BS walks, so I told him i'd throw him an extra couple bucks if he told this guy to kick rocks and let me come get it right now.  He said he liked money (don't we all) and I hopped in the car for an hour drive to go pick it up.  He thought it needed a full restoration, but really all it needed was a good cleaning. He also thought it was between 80-100 lbs.  After picking it up to put it in the car I immediately knew it was heavier than that.  After cleaning it up I found that it was 128 lbs.  All in all, I'm pretty happy with my first ever anvil purchase.





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