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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TheBeardedSmithy

  1. I've been thinking about adding some forging to my hobbies/side cash ventures, and an easy way to get started seems to be a brake drum forge. But being within city limits, I'd like to avoid any issues with smoke/"debris" in the air. So I had an idea, but I'm not sure if it would work. And that's what brings me here.

    My inquiry is, is it possible to combine a brake drum forge with an LP system using lava rocks as the heat hold in place of the coal/charcoal?? In my brain, it makes sense. But I don't really know anything about this, and I can't find anyone ever having attempted it, or even discussing it for that matter, in my research. I like the look of an "open forge" that seems to be a coal burning forge, but I'd like to not have the city breathing down my neck.

    Any help or insights y'all could provide would be greatly appreciated. And I may end up trying it just to see if it works, depending on the responses I see here.

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