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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Ash1

  1. Hi everyone, 

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice (especially timgunn1962). I got the forge running a couple of weeks ago and it's been working very nicely. A bit of a change from solid fuel but I'm really enjoying learning some new skills. 



  2. Thanks Tim that's really helpful. You've saved me loads of trial and error (mostly error probably!). If you could copy that post somewhere permanent I'd recommend it, it's one of the most helpful explanations I've seen. Anyway I'll let you know how I on. 


    In reply to Thomas, Yes I did mean melting.


  3. OK thanks Thomas. I'm much more familiar with solid fuel but I'll do my best! 

    I'm going to weld up a small box insulate it with fire bricks (two for the top and bottom and one on each side)  and run the burner in the top. I'll use it for  small projects in steel, some forge welding but not smelting. 

    Let me know if I've left anything out. 

  4. Hi hope everyone had a good weekend,  

    I'm planning on building a small gas forge with a single burner and would really appreciate some advice.  Ideally I'd like to use a propane torch as the burner but I'm struggling with working out which one will work best. Would something like this be suitable? 


    Like I said, advice really appreciated. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Zeroclick said:

    From what I have read it is best to keep Galvanised metal away from any high temperatures.

    They should only be used for quench tanks, to prevent Zinc Oxide and even if you are outside it only takes small trace amounts to cause some pretty serious damage.

    If you use google with site:iforgeiron.com galvanised , you should get a lot of threads on the subject.

    It would also be good if you put your general location in your profile, you might find you live near a member, also helps with advice.

    Thanks Zeroclick really good shout by the sound of it. 

    I haven't noticed any symptoms so I guess I've got away with it but I'll get the wirebrush on it  just to be sure. 


    Definitely,  I'll fill my profile out when I get a minute.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Zeroclick said:

    I just thought you say you are using a metal bucket for your forge, have you checked that it is not galvanised.

    Yeah it is galvanised.  I thought that as it's not being melted and I'm using it outside this would be OK? 

  7. 20 minutes ago, turbo7 said:

    Plaster of Paris will cost a fortune, dirt, any dirt, will do a good job, trick is to use a drum (55gal) instead of the bucket mate. 

    OK thanks.  So just bit of dirt bit of water and your good to go? 

  8. Thanks for the replies everyone.  I'd never considered soil, I'm not sure how well it would last though?  I'll have a look at the JABOD.  I'll also steer clear of plaster of Paris.  


    Unfortunately I can't upload a picture at the moment but I'll do my best to describe the forge.  It's basically a thin metal bucket with a piece of scaffolding tube drilled through the side wall. Previously I'd been lining both the sides and the bottom of the bucket.  

  9. Hi,

    This is my first post so hello everyone.   I hope I'll be active on the forum trying to hoover up some knowledge!  

    My basic question is; What should I line my forge with? 

    I've built a basic forge out of a metal bucket fed air by a hair dryer,  up till now I've lined it with a cat litter/water mix but I'm finding this needs regular replacing and I'm really enjoying the forge so I want a more permanent solution.  

    Unfortunately money is very tight at the moment so low cost is a priority. My choice seems to be plaster of paris +sand,  normal cement,  fire cement from a builders merchants or just normal clay?  Does anyone have advice on which way to go? I'm pretty confused.  Like I said affordable is important.  

    Apologies if I'm asking the something you get all the time.  

    Thanks for any advice, 


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