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I Forge Iron

Welund Smith

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Posts posted by Welund Smith

  1. You're infected now, no hope for you. None at all.

    Next time take a look around for something made of iron or steel. Poke a piece of black pipe into the bottom of the fire and stick a hair drier on the other end.

    The anvil can be anything, even a trailer frame or smooth boulder though heavier and more solid is better and as long as the hammer has a smooth face it'll work.

    Not a thing wrong with visegrips, they were invented by a blacksmith who was tired of dropping things from regular tongs.

    Then while you're getting good and addicted with the "primitive" smithy you can be watching for more conventional smithing equipment and tools. They shouldn't be too hard to find in your area.


    Well next time when I find some more metal I will will do so :D

    Welcome to the dark side!

    Keep that fire going. hehehehe
    Now start another knife hehehehehhee
    Yeah That was the problem :D
  2. Well the other night I got to thinking :D

    So I went out side got this fire as hot as I can get with wood and trash. I went looking for random metal in the yard I found a cut piece off a car radiator
    I stuck it in there it got red then I start to flatting it on the end of the trailer :o so the whole place was shaking now the only thing I had was a hammer regular house hammer the end of the trailer and a channel locks to grab the metal, it was doing find until I realized the metal was thin and wired lol

    So I had to get the grander to cut it the way I was wanting it :rolleyes:

    Well I can say it was a big project with no tools or the right metal but the knife if you what to call it is good for cutting somewhat and I can throw it like a spear Hopefully I will get pics up but I have no camera so :(

  3. Good, better left alone.
    A freind's dad drove an 18 wheel gasoline tanker and I asked him once if he was afraid of it ever exploding. He said nah, not when she's full but I'm always nervous on the trip back when she's empty and full of fumes.
    Don't assume a gas tank is "safe" because it has been laying around and you think those fumes have got to be gone by now.
    A man was killed for that assumption at a junkyard in Franklinville, N.Y. a few years back. He had a car up on a lift and was using a torch to cut the gas tank straps. The gas had been siphoned off weeks before. Well, he cut into the tank and got burning gas spilled on him. He died three days later.
    My wife is a nurse, when she was on an ambulance crew many years ago she had several burn cases, always horrific. Because of the great risk of infection those burns have to be cleaned, that means scrubbed out with a plastic bristled brush, no easy way about it. If you survive those first few days of agony you must still endure many months, if not years of skin grafts and all the down time, out of work, if you can work at all after that. Your life will never be the same.

    55 gal. drums, or any vessel for that matter are suspect. What was in them or still is in them? Flammable? Toxic? Know what you are dealing with.
    There is a lot to be said for using what is at hand and being frugal, blacksmiths are the foremost recyclers but ask yourself is it worth it when there may be some risk involved. Be safe.
    They had motor oil in them the landlore told they was put down there in 78
  4. Have you looked through the "getting started" and blue prints" section of IFI? There are a number of forge designs to be perused and adapted to your needs.

    Glenn's 55 forge is a proven performer and there are lots of pictures of masonry forges including a series of progress pics of a beautiful brick forge built by Irnsrgn. Try little searching IFI a little.

    Then again by time you check back there'll probably be a bunch of suggestions, links and such to choose from..

    I seen the 55 but I need detail plans and such
  5. Hi Bellew, I'm in Boone, NC. Glad to have you on here
    cool are you with a group and thanks for the welcome

    Welcome to the bunch Bellow, glad to have ya.

    Thnaks for the welcome and I am glad I came here :D
  6. Yeah, it just came back online, they're probably still working the bugs out. If you want to do some reading, start with the blueprints, there's a ton of information there. Just prepare for alot of reading

    Thanks for telling me That will do.I seen It was off the other day.
  7. I have been into rock n roll ,rockabilly music since the early 2000 when I started listening to the Jerry lee Lewis,Elvis,and other rockabilly bands that were around. this laid the foundations for me to listen to more original artists from people like Eddie Cochran to bands that I listen to today including : Roy Orbison,Johnny cash the list goes on because there are so many good bands around at the moment.Love my family,also love music but not mainstream it has to be rockabilly ,Blues ,or 90's.interested in all things from the 1950s.Favorite musicians are Jerry lee,Elvis, Eddie Cochran or anyone that makes me crank up the volume. The reason I came here to learn what my forefather did before I was born.I what to learn the way of old. I want to be a apprentice for blacksmith.Also I want to be a apprentice for Building guitar. Well That is me

    Can some deleted that one thread I feel stupid now :(

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