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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Smess653

  1. So I went over it with a wire wheel all over, then cleaned up the horn with a finishing disc (80 grit) to get some of the scratches out of the top of the horn and work a little more of a tip into the horn. Then gave her a good spray down of wd40, a wipe down and a final coat of wd40 to call her good for the day. I'll pick up some linseed oil later in the week. 

    1 hour ago, ThomasPowers said:

    Looks to be a steel faced cast iron body anvil to me and should not ring but still give a good bounce! (very nice for suburbia use)

    I agree with you, it's definitely iron with a steel face. That was my biggest concern when I was looking at how a lot of people "restore" anvils by grinding or milling the face down. 

    It doesn't seem to have a ton of rebound or ring, but it'll be more than good enough to learn on. 


  2. I've been looking to learn how to smith for a few years now and recently received a little bit a funding to get started. I'm looking into classes to take this winter and have begun gathering some basic tools to get started. 

    Last week I was able to get a bid in on a ~100-125# no name anvil at a farm auction and won it for $60. She was a bit rusty so I took a wire brush to it. It has definitely helped, but there are a few good size chips in the edges of the face, and some pitting around the horn. 

    What would you folks suggest I do to fix up this anvil before using it? 

    Here's a bunch of pictures: https://imgur.com/gallery/lr0Vh

    Thanks folks! 




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