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I Forge Iron

Mark BullCreek

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Posts posted by Mark BullCreek

  1. I was wondering if a cast steel anvil would let me get away with a little more in spite of its weight.Thank you all for the input.  Going by everything i read i was worried to use much more than a 2 pound hammer on such a small anvil, That would probably limit what i can do. That's why i'm building a striking anvil and just going to use it for all the heavier stuff until i can come across a bigger anvil.

  2. Thanks. Yeah I realize i wont be able to do it all with just that (or ever be able to do it all!) I guess I just want to set up something versatile to be able to still use it as I progress. I was thinking i may want the pritchel hole for at least a holdfast.  Eventually I want to be able to make hammers, axes, and fairly heavy duty hand tools.

  3. Thanks. Not sure if i will be using a pritchel punch for shoeing because i can use my other anvil for that but if there is a lot of call for it in other projects I would. Id just like to be able to use and do almost anything i need to do with in reason with this new set up. But long story short I'm new to this and don't know what to equip for and would like to have it when i need it if in fact i may need it. Would I need the pritchel hole to drive smaller round punches through the work piece? Or just use the Hardy?

  4. Hello, this is my first post. You have a great forum here.

     I have an old 83 lb Northern Star cast steel anvil from Sweden. I have done a few small projects but really don't want to do heavy projects on my anvil as im worried it may be a bit too small and I don't want to destroy it. I am building a striking anvil (6'x12'x 3" thick mild steel with a 1" Hardy hole) but sizing the stand and height of the face as you would a regular anvil (instead of the shorter striking anvil height) to use for the larger projects i want to do in the future, Until i can afford a larger anvil I figure i can use the horn on my old anvil when needed. Does this sound like a bad idea? How far in should the Hardy hole be in from the edge? Should I put a Pritchel hole in it (and what size if so)? How far in from the edge should the Pritchel hole be, and how far away from the Hardy hole? Your thoughts would be appreciated Sorry to be so long winded.

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