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Posts posted by Boo68W

  1. 49 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

    I totally agree. I like to have a little "warm up" project to start my day with. Whether that's a nail, or more often its something like a leaf key chain, just something that can be made in well under 10 minutes. Gives the fire some time to reach its full heat, and gets the day started well for me.


    I did that a little today for the first time and it really helped. I sent some time this afternoon drawing up some small things that I should be able to accomplish with my limited knowledge. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, ausfire said:

    Nice try! Probably 1/2 rebar wasn't your best choice of material. It's hard work! But the hook works well and that's the main thing.

    Yeah I realized after the third swing but I was committed lol. Plus I had it kicking around and never use it so if I completely ruined it I wouldn't be heart broken. 

  3. The idea is for when she's done with the cup it can hang off of her shelf out of site. As far as the scale goes I keep forgetting about the wire brush until it's to late. 

    Here's a better picture of its final resting place


  4. I started with 1/2 rebar and had no real plan in mind. I'm brand new to this and I mainly wanted to learn what not to do. In the end I came up with a coffe cup holder inspired by a phone call from girlfriend about the lack of room on her desk. IMG_3768.PNG

  5. 9 hours ago, Frosty said:

    The only problem I see is trying to think of a reason you'd want to hold hideous plants. Wait, it's to keep them from sneaking into the house and stealing your cookies! :rolleyes:

    That's not a bad start and it'll be good practice explaining to folk how many years it took to learn to produce something just like that! It's no coincidence BlackSmithing and Bull Shooting are abbreviated the same you know.

    There are some good learning projects in the beginner project section on IFI.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Wait... Someone has cookies???????

    I learned a lot in the short amount of time I had to play around and I didn't burn myself or set anything on fire and I was able to sort of make what I was aiming for.

    I can not thank you all enough for the advise it really did help and as soon as I started moving the hammer a lot of the advise made sense.

  6. When I first started in the trades I had an old timer tell me something that didn't stick for a few years until I notice my shoulders always hurt. " Just because you can hit something hard enough to get the job done in two blows now doesn't mean a xxxx thing years from now when some doctor says thanks because of you I can go to the Bahamas for three weeks instead of two."  I am noticing in a lot of the comments and a lot of my reading the same principles are applying to a lot of this craft. 

  7. 3 hours ago, gote said:

    I think height of anvil is an important part of hammer technique. Read Glenn's sticky about it

     I found Glenn's sticky the other night and I'm glad I did because I hadn't given the hight of the anvil much thought other then waist hight and from my experience as a plumber that's what tends to be comfortable for me. 

    I did manage to scrounge a brake drum last night from the local DPW so if it stops raining at some point I am going to build my stand and forge. 

  8. I am just learning about blacksmithing as well as internet forums so if this question has already been asked and I missed it I apologize. 

    I have been doing a very large amount of reading as well as watching several videos on bladesmithing as well as blacksmiths and one thing I have noticed is that when someone is swinging the hammer their hand is choked high on the handle. Is this to find the point of control vs power? Or is it a personal preference? 

    Also if there is anyone in the central or Southern tier of NY that wouldn't mind helping me I would greatly appreciate it.

    Adam F. 

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