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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Mengtian

  1. Thanks Glenn....not. If i need any further help I will just IM folks.   I am new to this and was asking for advice.  I will search elsewhere from now on. Sorry I asked for advice.

    Ya know what..I found some very helpful people here. One I met today and was awesome.  He took timeout of his today to help a newbie.  Good thing he was not snarky.

    I will just go buy the KMG....if that is the kind of help I can expect

    A lady at Centsurforge actually recommended this site because they thought you all were pretty good helping out newbies.  Guees not

  2. I am sure this has been asked a million times.  What is the best grinder for someone that is starting to do knives and blades?  I am tempted to dive in and get a Variable Speed KMG-8. But  I also want opinions on something under 1000.  Thanks in advance for a question I am sure that has been answered a million time.


    BTW:  I am not going to make my own.  I am a pretty good DIY guy but this is something I would rather purchase.  I also heard pros and cons with the Grizzly and am leaning away from that one.

  3. Morning.  I am a retired Army SGM that is living in TX.  My interests lately have been woodworking and carving.  I do everything from pens to boxes to furniture and scroll work.  I also work at home for a large company which keeps me busy and the old grey matter ticking :D  I just decided to try my hand at knife making for now and see how that goes.  I have some old files hanging around and some 1080 steel I was going to play with.

    Looking forward to learning a lot.

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